Everlasting Love (Now & Forever) Read online

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  "Dad? What are you doing here?"

  "I'm here to talk some sense into you."

  "Dad, what are you talking about?"

  Emily's dad walked into the living room and sat down uninvited. "Emily, it's not too late for adoption. I'm withdrawing your tuition support until you give that child a proper life and ditch that football wannabe because as I see it right now, it’s a total waste of money, a bad investment."

  Emily couldn't believe what she was hearing. Where was this coming from? She knew he was not happy about her decision, but to show up here like this and throw around threats. It was all too much. The tears started to flow just as Eric and her mom entered the room. They both looked at her and then her father. It was Emily that spoke first, "You have no right coming here and saying that to me. You haven't even seen her yet and at this rate, you never will!"

  "Emily, what's going?" Her mother asked.

  "Dad just asked me to give up my little girl and Eric in exchange for college tuition."

  "Geez, are you kidding me?" She exclaimed and walked over to him. "That's your grandchild upstairs. Yes, our daughter didn’t do the smartest thing but we all know that mistakes happen, don't we? But, I will tell you this, they are stronger than we ever were."

  "Fine, so our daughter will throw away her career and be a stay at home mother while her football husband goes out and screws every cheerleading bimbo in the league. That is assuming he ever amounts to anything more than a wannabe."

  Eric dropped the laundry at his feet and quickly turned red. "You don't even know me! Where do you even get off saying things about me, about my family? Emily and Emma are my life, my loves. I have to leave tomorrow and I'm breaking down inside. I would give up my football career today but your daughter insists that I go back to school and pursue that dream for all of us so we can have a real future and I know I will do whatever I can to make her happy. So, you can either apologize to your daughter immediately and assuming she forgives you, meet your only grandchild or you can turn around and walk out that door right now, leaving us to be a family."

  Emily's father was silent for moment. Taking in everything Eric had said and then finally looked at him in amazement. "Well, that took some guts, Eric. I guess I never imagined finding you all so committed to each other and trying to make this work. Perhaps, I was too quick to judge the situation."

  "I'm just speaking my mind, Sir. You have no right to come here and pass judgment on us. We are doing the best we can with a lot of help and support from our families."

  "Emily, I'm sorry that I said the things I did. I'm just worried about you. You have a life of your own, or at least you did, I know you wanted to be a successful artist. I'm just looking out for my daughter."

  "Dad, my dreams won't go away just because of Emma. They are just on hold for now. That little girl is my life now and whatever dreams we have now will include her. I want the very best for her just like you do for me and for that to happen, this football wannabe," she said pointing to Eric, "needs to follow his dreams first. I'm willing to sacrifice mine for his."

  Eric walked over to Emily and kissed her soundly on the lips. "I love you."

  "I love you too, Eric," she said smiling.

  "I'm sorry, Emily. I will never stop worrying about what is best for you and while I’m not convinced that means raising a child right now, I will try to be more understanding and considerate for the time being.”

  “That’s all we ask, Dad.”


  Emily signed up for the fall semester. She struggled to imagine how everything was going to work out. Between being away from Emma, coordinating her care while she was at school, keeping up with a full course load and somehow making a long distance relationship work, it was very overwhelming at times.

  Eric and Emily spoke every night on the phone while she fed the baby and rocked her to sleep. She tried to share every new noise and movement Emma made with him so that he felt like he was still a part of their family.

  After being named the backup quarterback that season, it seemed like Eric's football career was finally starting to take off. He was even expected game time action during the season. Even though it was exactly what he'd been hoping and planning for, it was really hard to balance it all and some days were better than others.

  It was the beginning of October during one of their late night conversations that Eric and Emily started talking about the wedding.

  “What’s the plan, Emily? With getting married, I mean.”

  “I don’t know. It’s so hard to think about right now. I’m looking at a pile of homework, a pile of dirty laundry and I’m not sure how to plan for a wedding on top of it.”

  “I know, but we have a beautiful daughter who deserves a complete happy family,” Eric said and sighed, “Don't get me wrong, I love that Emma already shares my last name but you should too. After all, you are the most important link in this chain; the one keeping us all together.”

  She smiled. “You make me so happy, Eric and I wish you could see Emma right now, she’s even smiling like she knows what we are talking about.”

  Eric laughed. “Of course she is, she’s in your arms and I think she wants her Mommy and Daddy to make it official, don't you?”

  “Well, I think we need to wait until we both graduate. At this point, why rush things? We live hours apart most of the time anyway so…" Emily trailed off.

  Eric didn’t respond right away.

  “Eric? Don’t take that the wrong way, of course I want to marry you as soon as we can do it, but it doesn’t make sense to do it right now. So, I have an idea.”

  Eric sighed softly. “Ok, let's hear it, what’s the idea?”

  “A month after graduation, we will get married. It will be our gift for sticking with it and following our dreams. Just think of how much we will have to celebrate by then!”

  Eric was quiet for a short time and then spoke. “You are right. I like the idea. Promise me though, a month after graduation, you will be mine?”

  Emily smiled. “Eric, I’m yours now, but we will make it official then.”

  “Good Night, Emily and give our daughter a kiss for me.”

  “Good Night, Eric. We love you.”


  Winter arrived fast and the family was excited to be together again and celebrate Emma's first Christmas. They woke up Christmas morning and fed Emma and then brought her downstairs to show her what Santa brought for her. Emily was just happy that she had her family together. It was wonderful to watch Eric help Emma opening her toys and show her what they were, as she would smile and giggle at each one.

  Emily opened some clothes from her mom and art supplies from Paul. She handed Eric his gift and watched as he opened it. He pulled out a box with a framed picture of Emma and Emily sitting underneath the Christmas tree.

  "It's beautiful."

  "I didn't have a lot of time or money to shop this year, so I thought we would give you something to take this back to school with you that would remind you of us."

  Eric smiled. "It's perfect. Now it's your turn," he got up and handed Emily a box. "I had some help from my mom and this gift is way overdue."

  Emily looked confused. "What are you up too, Eric?" She asked as she un-wrapped the small box. Her fingers shook as she opened the jewelry box. She gasped. "Oh My God, Eric! What did you do?"

  "I owe you a ring, Emily. The way I proposed to you wasn't proper. I hope this will make up for it. It's not my dream ring for you but serves as a reminder of our commitment to each other for now."

  Emily stared at the single diamond. It wasn't big or fancy but wonderful in her eyes. "It's beautiful."

  Eric got down on one knee. "Emily, I promise you when I can afford it, I will buy you the perfect engagement ring but until then, will you marry me?"

  Emily started to cry. "You know I will. I promise," Emily responded while watching Eric slid the ring onto her finger.

  The rest of the day, Emily kept sta
ring at her engagement ring, it felt real to her now. She was going to have the life that she always dreamt of when she was a little girl. Still, there was this nagging thought in the back of her mind that they still had a long way to go and so much to get through first and she just hoped that nothing got in the way of her dreams coming true.


  It was Emma’s first birthday and they both had managed to finish their second year of college. Emily was tired all the time from studying and trying to be a good mom. She would spend her nights trying to study while holding Emma but quickly realized it was pretty tough to do both and the result was exhausting.

  She didn’t know how she would have done it if it wasn’t for her mother and Paul. They tried to get Emma on a schedule during the day so that Emily could nap after class while Emma napped; spent time with her in the evening before she went to bed and then Emily would stay up most of the night studying. That was the plan at least, but even having the baby get up one night during the week would put her behind in her school work and much needed sleep. There were days that she resented Eric being away from all the drama and for being able to enjoy a normal college experience. After all, he had the same predictable routine every day, didn’t he? He didn’t have to get up in the middle of the night to comfort a fussy baby or figure out why all of sudden she refused to eat certain foods or why she wasn’t happy playing with her usual toys. She tried to remember that it was for their future and all this turmoil would be worth it in the end.

  As soon as Eric returned home in May, he moved back in with them at her mother’s house. She loved having him back home with her and his help with Emma. He would get up during the night and take care of her and for the first time since Emma was born, she barely had to lift a finger. The relief from the pressures of school and constant infant care made her hopeful once again that they could get through the next two years of college.

  Emily’s mom walked into the living room one afternoon and grabbed Emma from her. “Emily, we are babysitting tonight and we are treating you and Eric to a night out. We are so proud of you both for finishing up your second year of school and you need to go have some fun.”

  Emily smiled. “Really? Are you sure?”

  “Yes, now go get Eric. You have reservations at six o’clock.”

  Emily leaned over and kissed Emma and ran upstairs to find Eric. He was on his cell phone when she entered their bedroom. He had his back turned towards her and didn’t notice her walk in. She stepped over his football gear and a bunch of Emma’s toys and sat on the bed. He quickly turned around as he saw her and smiled. “No, that’s great Coach. I’m thrilled to hear that. I will talk to you soon, thanks again.”

  Emily watched him as he hung up. “What was that all about?”

  Eric came over and sat next to her on the bed. “That was Coach. He said that a few scouts have been calling him and asking questions about me.”

  Emily gasped, “Eric that’s wonderful!”

  Eric nodded. “Yeah, it is. I’m just shocked. I know that I played a few good games this year, but I’m still the backup.”

  Emily leaned over and kissed him, her lips gently pressed into his as he moaned lightly. His fingers wrapped into her hair as he laid her back onto the bed. They finally had some quiet time.

  Eric pulled back slowly and looked at her. “God I’ve missed you, Emily.” He quickly moved back to her lips as his hands moved down her body. He slowly removed her t-shirt and kissed her neck softly.

  Emily breathed heavily. “I forgot to mention that we have the evening off. My parents will be watching Emma and made us dinner reservations.”

  Eric smiled against her chest. “Great, I can’t wait to enjoy my gorgeous future wife tonight,” Eric sighed. “I love that I can still make you blush after all these years. When will you believe me that you are beautiful, Emily?”

  Emily responded by removing his shirt, letting her fingers run over his abs. “It’s not fair. You are gorgeous and fit and here I am with baby fat that I still need to lose.”

  Eric looked at her. “I don’t ever want to hear you talk about yourself like that. You are so beautiful and still take my breath away, Emily. Don’t you understand? You gave us a gift that I can never live up to. That is why it’s my dream is to take care of you guys the best way I know how, that’s the only way I can ever repay you.”

  Emily smiled as she found his lips again, feeling his tongue play with hers as his body covered her. She knew this is where she wanted to be for the rest of her life. As they kissed and got to know each other again after months of being apart, Emily realized that she loved him more than she did before and being away from him somehow made their love stronger.

  Eric moaned softly as her hands unzipped his jeans and removed them. She quickly got up and shut the door quietly. She didn’t take her eyes off of him as she crossed the room. “I love you, Eric. The way you still look at me, still makes my knees weak.”

  Eric smiled as he pulled her back down on the bed and into his waiting arms. “I want us to work, Emily. You and Emma are my life and that’s it. I told you years ago, if I blew out my knees tomorrow, I know that I have the two most beautiful women to come home to every night and I will never jeopardize that.”

  Emily lifted her fingers up into his hair and pulled him down on top of her. “Make love to me, Eric. Please, I’ve missed you so much.”

  Eric smirked. “My pleasure.”


  They couldn't believe that it was time for Eric to return to Syracuse. Emily cried for days after he left. The summer went perfectly and they finally reconnected after being a part so much of the previous year. Eric was able to spend every second with Emma and connect with her more now that she was growing into a little person. Eric was named starting quarterback for Syracuse and he was the talk of the town. Everywhere she went, people wanted to discuss his upcoming career.

  “Eric will be a star one day, don’t you worry.”

  “If he’s as good as they say, he will go first round in the draft!”

  “You must be so proud of him!”

  She loved hearing everyone talk so highly of him but part of her was jealous and wanted people to realize that she too was doing something special. She was trying to make something of her life as she raised their little girl. She didn’t want to become a trophy wife. She wanted to make a name for herself also.

  During the nights after she managed to get Emma to sleep, she would work on her studies and use her free time to continue to paint. Her mother hung a few paintings around the house and she sold a painting to a family friend. She knew she had talent but between little Emma and school, she couldn’t focus much time on what she was really passionate about.

  It was late October, Emily’s classes were over for the week and she wanted to see Eric. She missed him so much and he couldn’t come home earlier in the month during fall break due to his football schedule so she decided she would surprise him at school. There was a game on Saturday afternoon and her mom said she’d be happy to watch Emma so Emily should go enjoy herself.

  Emily left on Friday afternoon and drove a few hours to Syracuse. The long drive gave her time to think and she realized that she really missed having a normal college life. Hearing that Sam had a new roommate and they got along great, made her sad. Everyone’s lives were moving along as planned, but she was getting left behind. She loved Emma with all her heart but she also wanted to experience the life that she couldn’t have which then made her feel guilty and horrible for even thinking about it.

  Emily walked through the dorm area of campus. She weaved her way through the buildings, until she finally stumbled upon Eric’s. Other students were walking in so she snuck in with them and headed upstairs to his room. Eric had his own room for his junior year which came in handy at three a.m. when Emily called because she wanted to hear his voice after hours of studying or after an unexpectedly long night with the baby.

  As she approached his door, she no
ticed it was open slightly.

  “I know, I know but it doesn’t make it right.”

  Emily overheard him on the phone talking with someone. She opened up the door slightly and peeked in. Eric was standing with his back towards her, staring out the window. He was shirtless wearing just sweatpants that hung low on his hips. Mesmerized by his sexy physique, her eyes trailed over his back, then something in the tone of his voice brought her back to the present.

  “Listen, what happened was wrong. It’s not going to happen again, do you understand?”

  Emily continued to listen, whatever she was overhearing didn’t sound pleasant. She wasn’t sure if she should continue to eavesdrop, but she did.

  “Yeah, I get it. That’s going to be our lifestyle from now on, but it doesn’t make it right. Jason, listen to me. I’m done with it.”

  Emily gasped, making Eric spin around. “Oh my God, I have to go, Jason,” he said as he dropped the phone on the bed and ran over to Emily, picking her up and twirling her in the air, “Emily, oh my God, what are you doing here, Baby?”

  “I wanted to surprise you,” Emily said smiling at him.

  “Baby, you did!” He said shutting the door behind them, pushing her back up against the door and taking her lips with his. The kiss was deep and passionate, her fingers slid along his chest and wrapped around his body. He pulled her tighter against him as he continued the kiss.

  Emily moaned softly feeling Eric pull back to speak. “I love that moan.”

  Emily blushed. “I missed you so much, so I hope it’s ok that I’m here.”

  “Of course, it is. Where’s Emma?”

  “She’s with my mom at home. I needed a weekend away.”

  Eric smiled. “Baby, are you doing ok with everything?”

  The sincerity of his words struck her all at once and she realized she was not ok. Emily walked across the room, sat at his desk chair and started to cry. “I’m trying to be strong Eric, but it’s tough. You don’t have to be there to keep an eye on her every minute of the day so she doesn’t get in to something she shouldn’t or even to change her diapers or wake up during the night because she just won’t sleep. You aren’t there for all the doctor appointments or all the arguments with our parents because they want me to raise her one way and I’m doing it wrong.” The words just came tumbling out between sobs that now she couldn’t control it.