Everlasting Love (Now & Forever) Read online






  Copyright © 2012

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or

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  To my husband, Mark. You stood next to me as I started my dream and you never gave up hope that I would accomplish it. This book is inspired by you. Never stop dreaming of a better tomorrow.

  To my friend, Kelly. Thank you for standing by me and helping me sort out my thoughts for this book. You have no idea how much I appreciate it and how much I owe you.


  Sometimes we have to grow up too quickly in life. We aren’t ready for the challenge but we don’t have a choice. Sometimes you just have to choose the path that will make you happy.


















  Everything changed that October day. It was her birthday celebration when she had to break the news to Eric that she was pregnant with their child. One careless moment of passion led to the biggest decision of their lives.

  She was so afraid of being alone and dealing with this situation by herself but Eric proposed that very minute and she accepted. She was apprehensive about telling their parents knowing that they would not be happy about this. Eric’s father had plans of him becoming a high paid professional football player and their announcement would definitely threaten that dream.

  They had to sit down first and discuss how they were going to handle a baby. They were still freshman and a baby would mean something would have to change but they hoped they could both finish up their first year of college.

  They talked for hours on the phone going through all their options and discussing what their future would hold. They realized that they needed the help of their parents if they still wanted to reach their dreams and support a new baby.

  Last year Emily learned that her mother had given up a baby during her youth and it crushed her to know that she had to tell her mom that she was in the same situation. The biggest difference was for them was that Emily had graduated from high school and found the love of her life. There was no way she was giving this baby away to strangers. It was a part of Eric and her and they would just have to figure out a way to make it work. About a month after her birthday, Emily and Eric headed over to her mom’s house to break the news to her family.

  “Emily, I have a feeling I already know what we are about to discuss, so please just say it.”

  Emily took a deep breath as Eric held her hand. “Mom, we are pregnant.”

  Her mom started to cry. “I knew it. Oh Emily, how could you let this happen, you have your whole life in front of you and now you have to give up this baby and it will change you forever.”

  “Mom, we aren’t giving up the baby. I love Eric and we will make this work somehow.”

  Emily’s mom gasped. “Are you kidding me right now? What do you know about raising a baby, Emily? You don’t know what you're talking about. Paul, say something!”

  Emily’s soon to be step-father grabbed her mom’s hand and looked at them. “Look, you two are still very young. Have you thought this through? Have you thought about the stress and strain that a child brings to a relationship; let alone a couple of young adults? I’m not your father Emily, but I have gotten to know you over the past few months and I have seen your paintings. You have a talent that only some people can dream about. Do you want to put your dreams on hold while you raise a child? I just want both of you to be sure of this decision.”

  Eric spoke up, “Of course we have thought about this, Sir, and I have asked Emily to marry me.”

  Emily’s mom jumped off the couch and started to pace around the room. “Marriage isn’t going to solve the problem! You are thinking like kids, not adults. You are in college, Emily, and Eric, your future is so bright. Why would you want to ruin that?”

  “Ms. Stone with all due respect, your daughter is my future. I’m nothing without her in my life. We tried to live without each other and it didn’t work. Of course, we weren’t planning on this speed bump, but we will figure it out,” Eric’s hand rubbed Emily’s stomach gently. “This baby is our future. It’s part of both of us and I couldn’t imagine our life without him or her. Emily agreed to marry me and we will figure out the rest.”

  Emily’s mom sat back down and sighed. “Eric, I love you, you know that. You two are wonderful together but you need to realize that this baby will change your life forever. If you plan on staying in school, where will the baby go during classes? If you continue at Syracuse and Emily stays at Buffalo, you will be separated from the baby, Eric. Have you thought about that?”

  Eric, quickly to respond, said, “We have, Mrs. Stone. We have talked about Emily moving to Syracuse to be closer to me during the school year.”

  Emily’s mom started raising her voice again. “So, my daughter has to drop out of school so you can continue your football career? She has to desert her family and friends so you can have your dreams come true?”

  “Mom! Stop screaming at us, we are just talking about our options. Nothing is final yet except for the fact we are keeping this baby. So, you can either chose to be a part of his or her life or not,” Emily said standing up and leaving the room crying.

  Eric calmly looked at Emily’s mom. “Listen. We both want you in our lives but it’s our decision in the end and I will say the same thing to my parents. I love your daughter more than I thought was possible and we will get married one day. I just hope you will be there supporting us because honestly, we will need your help.”

  Eric left the room to find Emily.

  Emily’s mom had a hard time accepting the idea of having a grandbaby so soon in life. Besides having a pregnant daughter, she was planning to marry Paul. She was stressed out all the time and to make matters worse, Emily’s dad refused to talk to Emily once he found out. He wanted Emily to fly back to Texas immediately and write Eric out of her life forever. Things were spinning out of control.

  Eric and Emily knew that breaking the news to his parents would be met with the same level of anger and criticism. The day they told them about the baby, Eric's father told Emily to leave and take the baby with her. After all, his son had a future and she wasn’t going to bring him down. Eric quickly defended her and told his father that the baby was going to happen, so either be a part of it or miss out seeing their grandchild grow up.

  Emily was shocked, but pleasantly surprised to see Eric’s mom jump in and override her husband. “Eric and Emily, you are about to provide this family a new member and we will not miss it. We may not agree with your choices but I will help you with anything you need and if Emily's mom needs help with something, we will make it work together. This is a blessing and we will treat it as such,” she said intently looking at her husband.

  Almost moved to tears, Emily managed, “Thank you, Mrs. Mason that means a lot to me, to us. We have decided that we will both stay in school. Eric will continue at Syracuse and I will finish up my freshman year
at Buffalo then my plans are to move back home and commute to classes. Any support that you can give me so I can keep up with my schoolwork, I will be forever grateful for.”

  Mrs. Mason smiled. “Of course, Emily. I’m always here to babysit, and Eric, I’m so happy that you want to continue your football program, but you realize you will be missing out on your child’s early years, correct?”

  His father quickly stood up and spoke, “Doesn’t matter, he’s going to finish what he started, do you hear me?" He said turning to Eric, "I have worked too hard to watch you throw it all away because you couldn’t keep it in your pants.”

  Eric’s mom quickly turned around to look at him. “Sit down. This is our son, not just your pawn in a football game. He’s about to make a huge decision and it’s his decision to make.”

  Eric hung his head and looked into his lap. “I’m not happy about leaving them but Emily insists that I continue my football program and get into the league so we can spoil the baby rotten.”

  His father just stared at Emily, not saying a word but looking surprised.

  Mrs. Mason continued, “Well, it just seems like you are going to miss all the important stuff. I’m worried about that.”

  Emily spoke up, “We know that it will be a sacrifice but we think it will be better in the long run. With current technology, Eric will be a part of every step. He will come home when he can and we will go visit him when we can. We know how difficult this will be, but we hope for your support.”

  “Of course, our door is always open and we can’t wait to meet our grandchild," Mrs. Mason added.

  Eric and Emily managed to return to school and work their way through their first year of college. Sam was on morning sickness duty since she was the lucky college roommate. Eric would text Sam all the time and ask how Emily was doing. He wanted an update on every step of her life. Sam was able to see the baby bump start and watch it grow as the months went on. Even through all the drama and chaos, they reached the end of May and were ready to head back home for the summer. Sam and Emily stood in their dorm room and cried in each other’s arms realizing that their first and last year as roommates was over. Emily had worked out with her mother that she would return home and commute to class next fall.

  Things at home calmed down when her mother decided that she and Paul would become active grandparents. Her father was talking to her again, but rarely. Her mother even offered to turn her old bedroom into a room that Eric and Emily could share when he was home including a baby suite in the corner.

  Despite the beautiful, warm, June day in Buffalo, and the fact that Emily had recently been refitted for her maid of honor dress, she was eight months pregnant and miserable. Even though she felt huge and wanted to jump out of her skin, she remembered this day was about her mom and Paul, so she finished getting dressed and put on her best smile.

  Watching her mom walk down the aisle in a simple white dress to a waiting groom was wonderful to see. Her mom finally found happiness. It was a short, intimate ceremony on the grounds of a local country club. Emily watched as the couple said their vows and exchanged rings. She had a step-father now and he was good guy, just like Eric. Thinking of him, made her eyes move instinctively to the small group of guest chairs and found Eric watching her. He smiled and winked at her as the pastor announced the marriage.

  Emily clapped her hands and leaned over to kiss her mom’s cheek. “Congrats, Mom. I’m so happy for you guys.”

  “Thanks, Sweetheart. Are you doing ok?”

  Emily nodded slowly. “Just hot.”

  “Let’s go find some shade for you,” she said as Paul locked his arm around her mom’s waist and they walked up the aisle together.


  It was late July when Eric and Emily finished decorating the baby’s room at her mom’s house. She was overdue and uncomfortable. It was the middle of summer in Buffalo, which meant it was hot and humid at all hours of the day. They had the air conditioning on full force but Emily couldn't get comfortable. As she looked around the room, she loved the neutral colors that they had chosen together. They wanted to be surprised about the sex of the baby so they picked soft beige for the color scheme.

  “Emily, I love you and I can’t wait to meet our baby. I just don’t know about leaving you. The baby won’t even be a month old when I head back to school and that’s just not fair to you.”

  “Eric, we have been over this before, several times. My parents will always be here and your parents are just a phone call away. Besides, your future is important to this family, you need to focus on that.” Emily smiled, kissing him lightly.

  Eric smiled back at her. “I just don’t want you to feel alone.”

  Emily smiled as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him lightly. “Our little family will be perfect. It will just take us a little time to get all the pieces in one place.”

  Eric leaned down and kissed her again as Emily gasped, “Oh my God!”

  “Emily? What’s wrong?”

  She grabbed her stomach bent down to catch her breath. “My water just broke! I think I’m in labor!”

  Eric was smiling from ear to ear and called downstairs, “Mrs. Peterson, it’s time!”

  Emily’s mom squealed with joy as she grabbed her daughter’s pre-packed hospital bag and rushed out the front door to the hospital.

  It was the longest day of her life at times and she didn’t think she had the strength for it. Her mother warned her of the pain and what to expect but it wasn’t enough. The whole experience was overwhelming from the rushes of adrenaline mixed with dizzying pain and ultimately a bliss she never knew she could feel. She was in labor for almost twenty four hours and Eric stood by her side, supporting her, coaching her and soothing her the entire time.

  The moment her daughter was born, Emily couldn’t believe how much she loved her already. She appeared so tiny as Eric held her. She had a baby, they had a baby. Everyone’s life had changed. They were responsible for this little girl now, her well-being, her future. She stared at Eric holding their daughter. He was instantly in love with her too.

  Eric sighed, “Emily. She’s beautiful. Thank you.”

  Emily smiled at the sight of father and daughter. “You are in there too, Baby. She’s perfect.”

  “We need a name. I know we had our ideas but what do you think?”

  Emily stared at her baby’s beautiful face sleeping peacefully. “I can’t decide. Anything will be beautiful with Mason.”

  Eric slowly got up and placed the baby gently in the hospital baby bed and turned towards Emily. “You are amazing. You look so beautiful right now.” He lightly kissed her lips as his fingers caressed her face. “How am I supposed to leave you now when I’m so in love with both of you?”

  Emily grabbed his hand. “We are just a phone call away. Don’t worry I will call you for all of the two a.m. feedings.”

  Eric laughed. “I hope you do.”

  “Back to her name, you’re right. We need to make a decision. I think we were between Emma and Ana. I know I have my preference.”

  “Me too, Gorgeous.”

  Emily smiled now knowing that they were thinking the same name. “Well, I guess we are ready to welcome Emma Maria Mason to the world.”

  Eric leaned back down and kissed Emily deeply this time. His fingers traced her cheek as they kissed each other. Hearing the door open behind them, they quickly looked up.

  “That’s how you two got yourself into this situation, I would like to remind you,” Paul said laughing.

  They both laughed as Eric walked over to pick up his baby girl and show her off to their visitor. “Paul, I would like to introduce you to our perfect baby girl, Emma Maria.”

  He reached out as Eric placed her into his arms. “She’s beautiful. I wish your mom would get here.”

  “Where is she anyway?” Emily asked.

  “She stopped at the gift shop to buy her granddaughter a present.”

  Emily smiled as the door opened and he
r mom was already crying. “Emily, she’s beautiful. Paul, you better hand her over.”

  Paul gently placed the tightly wrapped bundle in her arms. Through all her tears and enormous smile, Emily’s mom finally asked, “What’s her name?”

  Emily smiled proudly, “Emma Maria Mason. She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

  “She’s perfect. Oh my God, I love her. I’m going to spoil you rotten, little one. I’m your grandma and I can do that.”

  Just then a moment of panic overcame Emily prompting her to blurt out, “Mom, you are going to help me, right? I’m so scared that I’m going to break her.”

  Her mom laughed softly, “Emily, I thought the same thing when you were born, but you’ll see, most of it comes naturally when you trust your instincts. It’s going to be tough at times, don’t get me wrong and at times you will want to pull all your hair out, but we will get through it.”

  “Thank you, Mom.” Emily yawned and visibly relaxed as if that’s all she needed to hear in that moment.

  “Emily is exhausted, why don’t we let her rest before my parents get here,” Eric said putting Emma back in her bed and turning to her, “Get some rest, I will be down the hall talking to your parents, ok?”

  Emily nodded and was sleeping a few minutes later.

  Eric and Emily returned to her mother's house with their child two days later. The first week was the most difficult as everyone adjusted to life while caring for a newborn. Even with Emily’s mom providing them with the much needed help and guidance, the days were a blur of diapers and feedings every two hours. Nothing could have prepared them for the demands of a baby and functioning with so little sleep. It wasn’t until Eric was ready to go back to school that they finally had their bearings and a system that was working. Now Emily would have to make it work without him and somehow go back to school herself. It was all so overwhelming at times. The day before Eric left them to head back to school, Emily's father showed up at the front door.